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First Health Group Corporation provides national and regional Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network access and other cost containment programs to help our clients manage employee benefit plans. We offer one of the largest directly contracted national PPO networks, the First Health Network, and Cofinity, a leading regional network in Michigan. Learn more about who we are and our role.

We also offer a national dental network, and we have a variety of products to reduce the cost of out-of-network claims, including per claim negotiation, Medicare-based repricing and supplemental networks.

For more than 25 years, we have worked extensively with Third Party Administrators (TPA’s), national insurance carriers, regional health plans, employer groups, Taft-Hartley funds and Federal Employee Benefit Plans to develop and deliver products that help their members access the care that they need.

We’re committed to customer service. We have regional account managers and dedicated customer service operations, so we’re there when you need us.

Use the “Contact us” link below to learn how we can help you.

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